Use "thumbscrew|thumbscrews" in a sentence

1. DiagnostixTM Aneroids Pocket, Palm, Clock Type Inflate the cuff Close the Adflow valve by turning thumbscrew clockwise

2. Bloody Mary was renowned for torturing Protestants, and "silver bells" was a nickname for the thumbscrews, while "Cockleshells" were believed …

3. CHILDREN OF THE WHIRLWIND LEROY SCOTT Sowles looked fully capable of loosing a full-fledged Inquisition, complete with rack and thumbscrew, at Cam's well-Barbered head.

4. Page 22: Attachv Elements TTACH LEMENTS Attach the V elements and tighten the thumbscrews through the boom The Model 3140B is now ready for mounting to a tripod or mast